The Really Big Database of Projectile Points |
by Richard M. (Mike) Steele |
(posted on the Puget Sound Knappers website with permission of the author) |
Special Thanks to Brandon Larson/Projectile for the substantial contribution of Maps, Images and Drawings contained in this database. Please Visit ProjectilePoints.Net for more great information on Projectile Points! |
This section, and the images and information it contains, is provided for education and entertainment purposes only. The webmaster makes no claim as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents. Neither the Puget Sound Knappers Association nor the webmaster receive any compensation from this posting. |
Where known, credit is attributed to each image. Permission to use the images is respectfully reguested on behalf of the Puget Sound Knappers Association and the flintknapping community at large. If a source for any images does not want their image included on this website simplu contact the webmaster @
and it will be removed and a disclaimer put in its place. |
Also, if you wish to use any of the images please contact the source providers for permission.
(HTML translation by Jim Keffer with help from W.A. McCormick)
While work progresses on this project, updates will be highlighted.
The pages in light blue have some data/photos
The pages in yellow are finished |