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The Really Big Database of Projectile Points
by Richard M. (Mike) Steele
(posted on the Puget Sound Knappers website with permission of the author)
Special Thanks to Brandon Larson/Projectile Points.net for the substantial contribution of Maps, Images and Drawings contained in this database. Please Visit ProjectilePoints.Net for more great information on Projectile Points!
This section, and the images and information it contains, is provided for education and entertainment purposes only. The webmaster makes no claim as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents. Neither the Puget Sound Knappers Association nor the webmaster receive any compensation from this posting.
Where known, credit is attributed to each image.   Permission to use the images is respectfully reguested on behalf of the Puget Sound Knappers Association and the flintknapping community at large. If a source for any images does not want their image included on this website simplu contact the webmaster @
and it will be removed and a disclaimer put in its place.
Also, if you wish to use any of the images please contact the source providers for permission.

(HTML translation by Jim Keffer with help from W.A. McCormick)
While work progresses on this project, updates will be highlighted.
The pages in light blue have some data/photos
The pages in yellow are finished


Abasolo to Adder Clovis I Garza to Godley McKean to Meso America Pismo to Plainville Stockton to Sylvan
Adena to Afton Clovis 2 Gold Hill to Grand Mexico Plateau to Putnam Table Rock
Agate Basin Coahuila to Colbert Greenbrier to Godley Middle Dorset to Mills Quad to Quilomene Taconic to Texcoco
Agee to Ajacan Cold Springs to Columbia Mule Hale to Hardee Milnesand to Moran Rabbit Island Thebes
Alachua to Angelico Columbia Plateau Hardin Morhiss to Morrow Raccoon to Redstone Thonotosassa to Tortugas
Angostura Columbia River Pin to Copper Hardove to Hawken Morse to Munkers Reed to Russell Toyah
Annie Lake to Aztec Coquille to Corner Tang Hayes to Heavy Duty Nansemond to Newmanstown Sabinal to San Jose Travis to Turin
Ano Nuevo to Axtel Cortero to Crooked Creek Hell Gap Newnan San Patrice to Santa Cruz Turkeytail to Tutchone
Badin to Barnes Crowfield to Dallas Hellgramite to Hernando Newton to Nochta Santa Fe to Schuylkill Uinta to Waller
Barreal to Beaver Lake Dalton Hickory Ridge to Hillsboro Nodena to Nottoway Scottsbluff Wallula Gap
Beavertail to Benjamin Damron to Darl Stemmed Hillsborough Nova to Orient Searcy to Simonsen Walnut to Washington
Benton to Berclair Datil to Denton Hi-Lo to Holcombe Osceola to Oxbow Simpson Washita to Washita Peno
Besant Desert Side to Desert Stem Holland to Homan Padre to Papago Sinner to Smithsonia Wateree to Whale
Big Creek to Billings DesMoines to Dickson Hoovers Island to Irving Parman Snake Creek to Snook Kill Wheeler to Wilson
Bitterroot to Bolen Dismal Swamp to Duval Jack’s to Jay Parowan to Patuxent Snyders Windust to Zorra
Bonham to Bynum Early Knife to Edwards Jeff to King Pedernales Sobaipuri to St. Anne ZZ Master Points
Cache Creek to Cahokia El Jobo to Ensor Split Kinney to Kramer Pee Dee to Pekisko Standlee to Starr ZZZAtlatl
Calapooya to Calf Creek Epps to Excelsio Lackawaxen to Levanna Pelican to Pequea St. Charles I ZZZAdzeCeltChisel
Calvert to Carter Fairland to Florence Levy to Lost Island Perdiz to Perkiomen St. Charles II Atlatl Weights
Cascade Folsom Lost Lake to Lycoming Pickwick to Pinellas St. Croix to St. Tammany Bone Ivory, Antler, Shell and Wood/Plant Points
Castroville to Channel Forest Notched to Furr MacCorkle to Marion Pinetree Steamboat to Steubenville
Charcos to Clipped Gadsden to Gary Marshall to McIntire Piney Island to Pisgah Stilwell

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